Monday, May 23, 2011

Ida's Name

Ida Mae Dekker Church
I realized that I haven't explained where we got Ida's name.  Honestly we had the hardest time landing on a name - and when she was born we thought we'd at least have another week to discuss it! But she came a little early and I'm so soo grateful she did. The handy thing about being in labor all night was that it allowed for a LOT of thinking time about the name.  Even so, it wasn't until we'd seen her that we were absolutely sure.
Ida Dekker was Mike's Great Grandma and a wonderful, godly woman.  Dekker is also my sister-in-law's middle name.  And Mae was Mike's Grandma's middle name.  So we ended up using all family names again!  And we're really not trying to only use three letter first names - it just seemed to happen!  The upside is that hopefully the kiddos can spell their names no problem!
(Vicki whipped up this sweater for her and I made the dress.)

The blanket in this picture was an extremely special present to Ida from her Great Grandma (Mike's Mom's Mom).  It was made by her namesake, Ida Dekker, for Mike's Aunt and little unborn cousin, Megan, who were killed in a car crash when Mike was young.  Needless to say, it is a great keepsake and we feel very honored to have it.  
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1 comment:

  1. That's so neat, Kathryn! I didn't know the origin of her name, but was curious and had a hunch there were family ties. I think it's great you used all family names for her! What an excellent heritage she has already built into her life through her name!
